"Prayers to Know by Grade". This is a good starting point. You can look up the prayers that your children should be learning at their age. Use this as a basis for bedtime prayers. (Younger siblings will pick up on the older siblings' prayers very quickly!)
Prayer at mealtimes and bedtime should be non-negotiable, and it will develop habits in your children that will serve them for the rest of their lives! Other things to do to increase prayer in your home is to set up a "Sacred Space" and have daily family prayer time. Choose a format and follow it each time, it will help the family know what is happening, and the children will catch on and be able to lead parts of it themselves. Here's an option:
1. Open with Sign of the Cross
2. Dad or Mom starts and says their petitions, go around to each family member and let them say their petitions.
3. Dad or Mom finishes leading the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be.
4. Close with the Sign of the Cross
This is a simple way to include everyone and it doesn't take much in the way of planning and there are no "props" needed. Of course you can also do any of the following:
1. Pray the Rosary together (or just one decade if you have little ones or are new to it)
2. Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy (at 3:00PM!)
3. Celebrate a Liturgy of the Word with the daily readings.
4. Pray the Angelus together at 6:00AM, noon, and/or 6:00PM.
5. Pray a Litany of Saints for your family include all the patron saints of your family members and friends.
These are only a few ideas. More will be added in the coming days and weeks. (If you have favorite family prayers, pass them along and Mrs. Beth will add them!)
You can also sign up for the Teaching Catholic Kids newsletter - each week they send it with prayers, Gospel reflections, saint stories, and activies to do with your children.