We have such a wonderful opportunity to sit with Jesus on our own schedule in our beautiful Adoration Chapel, but this allows for the possibility for the Tabernacle to be left open after everyone has left.
If you are at Adoration and you have not yet met the person remaining in the Chapel as you are leaving, please take the time to say hello and ask them if they feel comfortable closing the Tabernacle.
If they do not, please ask if they would like for you to close the Tabernacle doors as you leave. Also, if you are the last person to leave please turn off the lights.
Please remember we have Exposition, Adoration and Benediction on Tuesday evenings at 4:30 PM before the 5:30 PM Mass in the Main Church. Please join us.
If you have not yet used one, Father Joseph has prepared Adoration guides with prayers for use during Adoration, available in the Chapel and in the Main Church.
While the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for adoration we should make every effort for our full attention to be on the tabernacle and the Blessed Sacrament not elsewhere.